Next Move Group Panel
What do you think is critical to be the most competitive in the Site Preparedness game?
What do you think is critical to be the most competitive in the Site Preparedness game?
Great Announcement for Nissan today! The EV revolution continues… Posted by Nissan Motor Corporation on LinkedIn: Nissan is proud to announce a $500 million investment in the Canton Vehicle Assembly Plant. Intended to build two all-new Nissan and INFINITI EVs starting in 2025, the investment will also present the opportunity to retrain and upskill nearly 2,000 Nissan employees. This investment
The Chairmen of the Associated Builders and Contractors in Alabama and the Associated Builders and Contractors in Mississippi have lived different but parallel lives and have arrived at the Chairmen role of their respective ABC state chapters not coincidentally. Steven Staub was raised in a small community. When his father finally conceded that he could not teach Steven to draw,
JESCO’s third core value is Passion. Passion is the drive behind the people who built this company over our 80-year history. It’s the trait that separates good from great. To be great you must have a passion about the construction business. It’s what keeps our people pushing forward when things get difficult, it’s the thing that gets you up early
When Experience Matters in Pet Food. Constructing pet food projects have always been a big part of JESCO’s 80 year history. We are excited about the future growth and innovation of this industry.
Dynamic sector and JESCO is excited about what the future holds. Call us for design-build construction and industrial services support. Posted by Pet Food Processing on LinkedIn: Statistic spotlight 💡 #Petfood and treat sales came in at $51 billion in 2021, accounting for 40.8% of total pet industry sales, according to Packaged Facts. David Sprinkle, research director, shared this and other pet industry trends
We were proud to join our friends and partners yesterday for the ribbon cutting ceremony at S&A Industries. In addition to Greg and his team at S&A, we would like to thank Three Rivers PDD, Union County and New Albany, MS Leadership, and Agracel. #automotive, #manufacturing, #jesco, hashtag#experience
Another good testimony this week on LinkedIn from a repeat client. We appreciate the opportunity to serve and feel blessed during this difficult time. Ronald Bedard, Executive Vice President Of Operations at Samuel, Son & Co. – Samuel, Son & Co. expansion continues. Pleased to work closely with JESCO, Inc as we expand our Roll Form Group business in Iuka,
Our first and most important core value at JESCO is Safety. Ensuring our team members make it through the day and return home to their families safely is our priority above all else. Watch on LinkedIn!
It’s great to be at SEDC with our friends and peers. This is the 75th Anniversary and we appreciate all of the great education, networking, and leadership that this organization and in particular Gene Stinson, CAE, PCED, CEcD, HLM has provided. Thank you Gene. #SEDCTampa#SEDC2021.